
python Is The Future

python Is The Future meme

Nick Dobos V @NickADobos

You can get python api access to actual human brains grown in a lab

computing is about to get WEIRD

wetware > hardware


  • Integrated R&D environment for biocomputing research
  • 24/7 remote access to brain organoid
  • Realtime neural stimulation and reading
  • Programming API for Python
  • Digital notebook for documentation and research
  • Data storage and backup
  • Technical support

Mandy Stadtmiller

@mandystadt • May 29

16 partially grown human brains with no mouths, tiny eyes called organoids that live for 100 days comprise the “world’s first bioprocessor” for a “million times less power than a digital chip” and omfg we are now in fact living in The Matrix

What do you think?

Written by codeitbro

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